One of the groups adding spirit and militancy to the May Day march from Union Square to Foley Square in New York City were the young drummers with the Workers World Party contingent marching just ahead of its banner. Chants were backed by and timed with drumbeats, everything from “The people united” to calls for “legalization” to demands to end the imperialist wars.
One of the group’s coordinators, Bronx high-schooler Dinae Anderson, told WW that she found the experience “amazing. People are tired of the mess Obama made deporting a million immigrants and treating them like they were bad people. Workers should all be equal and united. We want to be united and equal and make noise.”
Manhattan resident Aya thought the contingent was “fantastic. Drumming and people chanting captures the attention of pedestrians, so that everything you shout is heard and we are listened to. The drums connect with the people. They stop to listen. I have no voice left now, but I was listened to earlier.”
— Report and photo by John Catalinotto
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