by Staff
From: Fight Back! News
Minneapolis, MN – More than 50 people picketed and carried banners outside the FBI building here, April 19, to show support for activists still facing repression from the FBI. Since September 24, 2010, when the FBI raided people’s homes and the office of the Anti-War Committee, there has been continued FBI harassment of the peace movement. Anti-war and international solidarity activists face the threat of renewed calls to the grand jury or indictment for ‘material support for terrorism.’
The U.S Attorneys office in Chicago has made it clear that it wants indictments against the activists.
Mick Kelly, one of those subpoenaed to appear in front of the Chicago grand jury said, “People are continuing to be targeted by the FBI for investigation because of their political views. We still have not received all of our personal property back. It is clear to us that this is far from over. The political witch hunt continues.”
Jess Sundin, who has also been subpoenaed, added, “People are coming out today to remind the FBI that free speech is our right and that their scare tactics won’t stop our voices from being heard!”
The protest was organized by the Minnesota Committee to Stop FBI Repression.
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