Rand Paul's civil rights stand sparks protest
By The Associated Press
Sunday, May 23, 2010
FRANKFORT, Ky. — Protesters carried signs outside Kentucky's Republican Party headquarters decrying U.S. Senate nominee Rand Paul's comments on civil rights yesterday while GOP leaders met inside to pledge their support for the candidate.
The meeting was organized to rally the state GOP behind Paul after a bitter primary campaign in which much of the Republican establishment backed his opponent. Rand won by a lopsided margin last week.
About 30 demonstrators used yesterday's meeting as an opportunity to blast Paul for misgivings he expressed about the 1964 Civil Rights Act. He told MSNBC host Rachel Maddow on Wednesday that he abhors racial discrimination, but suggested the federal government shouldn't have the power to force restaurants to serve minorities if the business owners don't want to.
"It's fundamentally un-American to oppose the Civil Rights Act," said University of Louisville student Perry Green, flanked by a fellow protester carrying a placard declaring: "Rand The Klan's Man."
Paul, a Bowling Green eye doctor and son of former Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul, did not mention the civil rights flap in brief remarks to supporters inside GOP headquarters. He refused to take questions when he left and drove past the demonstrators standing across the street.
Hundreds of Paul supporters gathered in Frankfort yesterday to show their support for the first-time candidate. He pledged to hammer on one key message in the general election campaign against Democratic nominee Jack Conway.
"I will call for one simple thing," Paul said. "Let's not spend more money than we take in."
Copyright 2010 Associated Press. All rights reserved.
Below is a picture of Ron "Papa" Paul speaking to the openly anti-Civil Rights John Birch Society.

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