Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Cuban Reader Responds to Martha Grevatt

Published May 28, 2010 5:47 PM

WW writer Martha Grevatt received the following letter from a reader in Cuba after the recent publicationof Part 1 of “Two Choices for UAW.”

Dear Martha Grevatt,

My name is Ildefonso Gustavo Díaz Sandoval. I work as a teacher of English and I teach it as a foreign language in a faculty of medical sciences in Artemisa, La Habana, Cuba.

I subscribe to the Workers World newspaper and I receive it every month.

I would like you to know that I have read your article entitled “Two choices for UAW: Class struggle or suicide,” published on April 29 on page 2.

I strongly agree with you and I say that the union cannot be divided by any prejudice, any ideological position, by anything against the workers. I am sure you will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the UAW in 2011 with new victories and better achievements, in an atmosphere of solidarity ... for your cause.

A better world is possible!
Faithfully yours,
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