Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Protestant Fundamentalist Lynch Mob Murders In Ireland

>>>>>> Flash: One dead in loyalist mob attack

A 49-year-old Catholic man has been killed during a loyalist rampage in
Coleraine, County Derry.

The victim, named locally as Kevin McDaid, died on Sunday night after he
was attacked in Somerset Drive.

There were reports of other gang attacks on Catholics in the town last
night following the victory of Glasgow Rangers in the Scottish Premier
soccer league.

The deputy first minister, Martin McGuinness, said a "sizeable group of
loyalists" were responsible for the killing and an earlier assault.

"They decided it was a good idea to attack a Catholic area," he said.

"I'm absolutely dismayed at this and I think at this very, very
important time, it's important that people in the community identify
those responsible and co-operate with the police to bring those
murderers to justice," said Mr McGuinness continued.

Up to 30 people were involved in the incident, SDLP Assembly member John
Dallat said.

"This is the second time that this kind of lynching mob has been
involved in Coleraine," he said.

Mr Dallat said he knew Mr McDaid's family well.

"This man was doing nothing more than going down to check on his sons
and lost his life when this lynching mob from a different part of the
town came along and rendered their form of justice.

"It's certainly lawlessness and it needs to addressed. The immediate
emphasis should be on an inquiry.

"It must be thorough, it must be detailed, and we mustn't be discussing
it years into the future," said Mr Dallat.

Irish Republican News

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